Teeth-Whitening – At Home Vs.At The Dentist

There is a wide range of products at the supermarket for teeth-whitening these days, but how safe is it? With hydrogen peroxide making up the chief active ingredient in most products, it might give you pause to wonder if bleaching your teeth at home is worth the few hundred dollars you may save instead going to a professional dental practice.

Let’s compare the use of teeth whitening products at home vs. visiting a professional dentist:

DIY products

With advanced dental technologies, purchasing a product from home is not as unsafe as it was years ago. As Gold Coast dentist, Dr Rachel Pino told the online Body & Soul Magazine recently, it’s perfectly safe to use these products as long as you follow the instructions closely.

However, the dentist warns that although these products are safe, those wishing to have whiter teeth must take into account that any spillages from the tray can result in gum burns and irritation as well as oesophagus irritation.

Dr Pino recommends that you start with whitening paste first and then slowly build it up to strips and trays, especially if your teeth are sensitive.

Professional Dentist

Carnegie Dental Group suggests that you should only use products approved by the ACCC. Also, if you are going to use home teeth-whitening products, it is advised that you do not make any online purchases. There’s been a great deal of “promises” issued, but the results are hugely different to what the customer desired.

For this reason, Carnegie Dental Group strongly urges the public to be cautious of DIY teeth whitening and other products, instead suggestingto have your teeth whitened by professional dentists.

Moreover, the result of a DIY project on your teeth will never be, as Dr Rachel points out, as white as provided by a dentist.

An alternative

We understand the cost of going to a dentist may deter people. We at Carnegie Dental Group are aware that not everyone has hundreds of dollars lying about.

That’s why our professional dentists have introduced a great solution to this problem.

Here’s the balance we’ve introduced: a combination of going to a professional dentist and having your mouth plate or guard prepared professionally, and then, with cautious advice, you can go home and finish your whitening process with the right tools and the best dentist-approved products.This is the best of both worlds. Contact Carnegie Dental Group today and have the pearly-white smile you’ve always wanted.

Related Tags: Cheap Teeth Whitening Melbourne

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