The Do’s and Don’ts After Victoria Oral Surgery

We don’t hold back about Victoria Oral Surgery. It usually involves removing or cutting into tissue. It’s something we need to do for a variety of procedures like getting implants or gum surgery.

It’s not uncommon after one of these procedures that you might have some swelling, bleeding or pain. If you’ve got some information on how to properly care for your mouth afterward, you will heal up cleanly and quickly.

Here are some of the things that we’ve noticed can happen and what you can do about them.

If You’re Sore

Feeling some pain after the freezing wears off is normal. In fact, we’ve noticed that many patients have some discomfort for 24 to 48 hours after Victoria Oral Surgery. We’ve even noticed that some redness can last at the site for up to five days afterwards. Of course, the degree of discomfort is different from one procedure to another.

Here’s What to Do

We can usually prescribe the right medication that will help. It’s important that we pick one that will work properly for you. That’s why you should tell us about any other kinds of medications you’re taking or even herbal remedies.

Once we’ve prescribed something, it’s important that you take it exactly according to the instructions on the label.

Getting a lot of rest after any operation is also important. Being active in the first 48 hours after oral surgery can make your discomfort worse. We like to suggest that you make plans before hand and even book a day off work.

Get in touch with us if the pain doesn’t subside after two days. Now that we’ve laid out a few of the things that you should do after this type of surgery, here’s a few that you need to avoid.

What You Shouldn’t Do

First and foremost, you should never take more of the medication we prescribe than advised. If you’re taking any kind of medication for pain, you shouldn’t drink alcohol. Driving order using any kind of machinery should also be avoided. Some of the medications that we use and prescribe to our patients can make you drowsy.

We will be more than happy to answer all of your questions in a consultation. Why not get in touch with our Victoria Oral Surgery specialists today?

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