
The Best And Worst Foods To Eat For Your Teeth

We all love to eat. It’s the flavour of life. But sometimes the things we put in our mouths can be harmful to us. It’s much better to understand why you cannot eat something than to be told you mustn’t eat it. Here’s a quick list of foods that could impact the health of your

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Common Mistakes We All Make When Brushing Our Teeth

For some people, brushing your teeth is actually a therapeutic task. For most others, it’s arduous and time-consuming. Whether you enjoy it or not, it’s incredibly important to the ongoing health of your teeth! But are you even doing it correctly? Here are a number of the things we’re doing wrong and how we can

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Tips For Taking Care Of Your Porcelain Veneers

Investing in a set of porcelain veneers is a decision you’ll never regret, and being able to smile, laugh, eat and talk without feeling self-conscious is a feeling that is hard to replicate. Many people forget that in order to get veneers placed you need to reduce your teeth, making it an irreversible change. This

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What You Should Do In A Dental Emergency

Have you accidentally knocked out a tooth or lost a filling? Discovered your braces are broken? Experiencing severe tooth pain? These dental emergencies can cause you great discomfort – let alone the panic. Whatever sticky situation you find yourself in, you’ll need to choose between emergency care or waiting until your usual dentist opens again.

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Where did the All-On-4 treatment come from?

Have you heard of the All-On-4 Dental implant treatment? It’s a popular dental implant treatment being recommended to many Australians these days. So, what exactly is it, where did it come from and what can it do for you? Many years ago, dental surgeons discovered osseointegration, which is when titanium compositions fuse with and are

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Your Ultimate Guide To Cosmetic Dentistry

When it comes to your oral health, the Australian Dental Association recommends that you visit your dentist every six months, which will help keep your mouth and teeth disease free, and in overall good health. But what if you don’t like the colour or position of your teeth and want to improve your smile? For

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All The Ways Smoking Affects Your Teeth

Many health care professionals warn about the dangers of smoking, but did you know that smoking is just as bad for your teeth than any other part of your body? In short, there are various problems smoking can cause, such as preventing your mouth’s natural defences to fight infections, which creates a breeding ground for

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How Long Does Professional Teeth Whitening last?

What would it feel like to you to have pearly white teeth, brightly shining every time you speak, smile or laugh? A smile can really bring out the best in someone, giving them confidence and a better self-image through professional teeth whitening. However, many people ask us how long professional teeth whitening actually lasts. Although

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How To Properly Care For Your Teeth After Whitening

Looking good takes effort, and while scientific advances have made it easier than ever to improve our teeth, hair, and skin, there are still no easy shortcuts. Investing in a long-term beauty treatment will immediately boost your appearance and self-esteem, but if you don’t maintain it, you won’t enjoy it for very long. This applies

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The Damages Of Your Teeth Grinding And How To Fix It

Teeth grinding (or bruxism) is a condition that many people experience where they clench or gnash their teeth together while sleeping. Often the first sign you’ll get that you’re experiencing bruxism is when a partner notices that you are grinding your teeth at night. You could also find that you wake up with your teeth

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